Certificate Program In Marketplace Engagement

Was Jesus A Temple Minister Or A Market Place Minister?

Think about it for a moment.

  1. His friends were fishermen who smelt like fish and cursed
  2. He had lunch and dinner dates with sinful tax collectors
  3. A prostitute washed his feet and sprayed him with perfume
  4. He was hanging out by the well with the woman with 5 husbands
  5. He died with two thieves on his side
  6. Etc etc etc

Jesus was 100% in the market place just like you.

You spend 90% of your time in your market place every day

How Effective Are You In Your Own Marketplace?

Today Jesus wants to partner with you in your market place

Jesus said: Let your light so shine in the market place, that people in your market place will see clearly and come to Him

Harvest Leadership Academy helps your light shine brightly in your personal market place

A True Story

Aurelie, one of my disciples, gave her life to Christ in her 30s. She was excited about sharing her faith with her colleagues. Alas, she worked at a reputable accounting firm where preaching at work was highly discouraged

Aurelie decided to make her colleagues ask her about her faith rather than telling them about it. She began asking God for wisdom as she did her work.

Soon she became the most effective person in her work. Others came to her for problem solving within her office. Her supervisor promoted her and gave her permission to train others in her office to be as effective as herself.

They did not care what she was telling them as long as they were becoming more productive and fulfilled in their work. That was how Aurelie started her lunch time hang out group at work, discussing God and life.

Benefits Of The Training

At HLA our goal is to equip you to flourish and become a person of influence in your workplace for Christ.

  • You will flourish in your career and people will notice you and the value you bring
  • You will become a person of influence and people will come to you for solutions
  • People will see Jesus in you and be drawn towards you for life solutions

We’ll provide you with personal and organizational skills connecting your work, faith and the harvest of souls in your personal workplace.

Your work will become an act of joyful celebration (worship) and a platform for harvesting souls.

Tyndale University Certification

Tyndale University has partnered with us to issue you a certificate and college credit for this training.

We are offering a free textbook to the first 20 people who register. Lock in your spot now

Register now to learn more on how you can shine for Christ in your market place


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Click on the button below to register for our Harvest Marketplace Academy for $25